Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Visit to the National Museum in Phnom Penh

Our Visit to the National Museum
Photographs by Vorneen

Today I learnt that some statues had big stories, I thought that they had only small stories.
For example the story of Ganesha. He was a human being and then his father who did not know he was his son cut his head off.  His Mum was shocked and made his father put his head back. So his father said he would put the first thing he saw and he saw an elephant. So Ganesha has the body of a human and the head of an elephant. I never saw a person with a different head.
I learnt that history changes over time.

I learnt that statutes normally have elements, like Vishnu has fire, water,air and earth.I did not know that gods have families and children too, for example Shiva, Uma and Ganesha is a family and Garudas and Nagas are half brothers. I learnt that if the Naga head is even is unlucky or the Garudas is in the middle it is unlucky because if it has even heads it means it is dead.I did not also know that gods have fought each other.


My visit to the national museum in Cambodia

I learnt that it was many statute there and the statues are big. I learned about the story's behind the statues or why it was made.


I learnt that some god have no hands and they fight. Also I learnt that there are chair for monk. I also learnt that if the king dies peoples come to the national museum to respect the king. I did not know before that some Shiva is powerful and has a third eye. They are all made from stone. A Vishnu also has some four arms. Ganesha is a elephant who is nice. There were some wrestlers that are not weak,that does not look gentle and they show figures in actions. I learnt that if you have seven head then you add one in the middle you get good luck! And also some Buddha have no hands or arms. Also that before I didn't know that some Buddha can sit on snakes!


I learnt from National Museum that Cambodia has lots of stories and that Cambodia changed a lot.I learnt  that Cambodia has lots of old stuff from the past.I saw lots of statues and shapes and lots of designs and lots of things that they used from the past.
Hyun Ho

My trip to the National Museum was cool because we saw things from the past like we saw many Buddha statues, Ganesh and Vishnu. I learnt that museums have many things from the past and how they do it is that they find things from the past and put it in a box which is made out of glass. In the museum the tour guides are helpful because they tell us about the gods. It was very interesting because we learnt about gods and the whole class saw many gods and it was so good.

By Angavai

I learnt that the Banteay Srey Temple in Siem Reap was built in the 10th century. Banteay Srey temple was a temple based on Hinduism. When the King Jayavarman the seventh was king,he made the Angkor empire very strong. While Jayavarman the seventh ruled,he made most of  the temples and the temples that he made was all based on Buddhism. Jayavarman the seventh helped people make roads, hospitals, and he made lots of temples and most of all, he made all his people in his country live well.
What I really wonder is how he ruled so well and how he was different from all the other kings that ruled the empire?
Seo Young

I learnt in the National Museum that in there were a lot of sculptures that tell stories and many thing about what the God's can do and the names of them. Shiva a very powerful God what can destroy anything and creator he can destroy because he has another eye what burns anything. The other God is Vishnu is a God of preserver and he has 4 elements one is fire water earth and wind.
By Shauqi

When we went to the museum I saw a Buddha and many statues that were very old. The lady at the museum told us all about the different statues and artifacts when she gave us a tour of the museum. Some of the statues have arms broken off and legs too.
Then we went outside and we saw lots of fish and we also saw cannons.


My visit to the National Museum in Cambodia
I learned that the national museum has lots of statues from Cambodia and all the sculptures have a story behind them. Also I learned that all the sculptures have an element like fire,wind,earth,water,and air. Also I learned that the sculptures have animals such as dragons,birds,dogs,and other type of animals. Also I learned that a lot of statues were missing their parts like arms, heads, legs, ears, and feet.


Our trip to the National Museum .

Yesterday we went to the National Museum. We knew that things there would tell us about the past. Evan past is our unit of inquiry and interesting. The whole class got to see Shiva, Vishnu the Wrestlers and the chair of a monk. We learned that Ganesha was a human whose head got replaced with an elephants head. It was kinda weird that the first thing we did do was at the back of the book. The national museum was very interesting.

Cambodia national museum visit
We went in the museum and when I saw everything I thought "how did they got all these things?"
There were statues some are broken and some are not.
We went around the museum and someone talked about it for us to understand and we can write about it and answer questions and draw.
After we went all around the museum we went in the center near the ponds to take photos and to sit down of all the walk.
We went the second thing I saw was a cannon near the statue of Ganesha.
I was curious about Vishnu because he had 4 elements.
I was curious about Shiva because he had a fire eye.


1 comment:

  1. I was interested in the Ganesha story first i thought he was born like this. But the father cut his head and put the Elephant head on him.


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