Thursday, April 3, 2014

Today Ms Vourneen came to class and shared with the Grade 2/ 3's her knowledge of oil and how humans are using it. She also told us about the impact this resource has on the environment.

Many  products can be made from petroleum. Once we use all the oil it will be gone for ever, because it takes million of years to make.  I found it interesting that oil can pollute the air and the oceans.

I found it interesting that plastic is made out of oil. Also that when they are drilling they don't take all the oil from the ground. Because it is more expensive to get the end of the oil well oil than to drill a whole new oil well.

I found interesting how many people use oil in their daily lives and how we use oil in plastics. When my sisters throw away their plastic water bottles I will ask them to recycle them.
I thought it would take only a month or two to take the oil out of the ground and use it to make plastic, but I found that it can sometimes take up to a year to take out the oil and transport, refine it and then make it into plastic.
Does money have plastic in it?

I found interesting that they have special drills that go deep down to get the oil. That they can transport oil in many different ways but the most common is by tanker or pipeline.
Sometimes the oil is very deep down underground but sometimes it can also be shallow. One ton of plastic bags is made from 11 barrels of oil.

I never knew that you could get wave power- tidal energy. I now understand when people say petroleum, gas for the car and oil that they are talking about the same resource. I did not realise how big an oil spill can be and how damaging to the environment they are.  In the Exon Valdez spill in Alaska so many animals were killed or damaged. They still have not fully clearer the problem from the ocean.

Air Pollution
I learnt that we can turn off lights and other things that require energy this help stop air pollution.
Seo Young

I learnt that the smoke and chemicals that come out of factories goes into the clouds and this can make acid rain. It kills the trees. I think this is bad. To help stop this we can use less energy by not using our cars for short distances.

I learnt that if you breathe polluted air your eyes and nose can start burning. We can stop air pollution by not burning things like trees and fossil fuels.

Instead of riding a car to a place that you want to go that is close in distance you can ride a bike , walk or skate. You can do something that does not waste energy. If you are going to the same place as your friends you can go together in the same car and not in separate cars. This also saves energy.

I learned today that cows pass wind and that effects the environment so if we eat  too many cows we will effect the environment.  