Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Some thoughts from today

At music today, we showed a play to our class.
when we showed it I was very nervous.The play was about Santa and the children. 
Seo Young

Today at music we had to perform something and me and Morakod and Lyka very nervous were dancing brave by Sara Berelies.
Kelly Ng

Today we had community development which is when we play together  and play on the iPads.
Its when we socialize with people and play. I made imovie trailer with my friends
 about selfies and cheese.
By Morakod

Our Laminating Video

Thursday, May 22, 2014

What I have learnt this week

I learnt the phases of the moon. New moon, waxing gibbous, waxing crescent, and new moon, waning crescent, waning gibbous,and the whole thing starts over again. Seo Young.

I learnt that there is many things that create the crust, mantle,outer core and the inner core in the earth. The main things that have been there is iron. Bridie

I learnt that we get day and night because of the earth is tilted on it's axis.While on 1 side its night and the other is day.The earth doesn't stay still and just faces the sun the whole time it rotates .Morakod

I learnt that the earth has an metal inner core that protects the earth from rays an things in space. Estela

I learnt that that we get day and night by the earth because the earth is tilted.when one side is day and the other side is night. Amanda

Friday, May 16, 2014

Space music

Yesterday we listen to space music and they have different type of music one is more scary than the other the other one wasn't really scary ,we listen to the Planet Suite by Gustav Holst.
We listened Mars and Jupiter. We then used this to inspire us to make our own garage band space music in groups, it was fun making the music and also fun to explore! I learnt that space music can be creepy and drums can make it sound creepy.

Garage band space music

Almost all space music have violins which makes it first low and then high like Gustav Holst made the song Jupiter and Mars. I made a song not like others songs and not like and orchestra and doesn't start of slow and then high. Daniel  


Thursday, May 1, 2014

Today in class we were on a earth quest. We were watching videos to answer our questions on the earth quest. Estela
Earth rotates around the sun that takes one year. Dara

The difference between a moon and a planet is that a planet orbits around the sun and the moon orbits around its own planet. Molivann

I learnt that we have an atmosphere to help us breath and so we don't float in spaces from gravity.-Bridie

Earth rotates and for the earth to make a full 360 is 24 hours and each 15 degrees is 1 hour. Daniel

There are stars in the day, its just the sun is so bright we cant see it . Morakod

I learnt that there are some planets where you cannot live in because 1. Maybe they are gas planets and don`t have a surface, or maybe their atmosphere is carbon-dioxide. Molivann

How the World Works Solar System

We have started a new unit called How the World Works- Solar System

Our central idea is: Earth's place in our solar system affects our everyday lives.

Lines of inquiry:
Earth as a unique planet in our solar system (Form)
The effects of rotation and Orbit on the Earth (Function)
The effects of the Earth's place in the solar system on us ( Connection)

We are going to be inquirers and curious about our planet and our solar system.
We have lots of questions already !

Why do you think the Earth is some times hot and sometimes cold? Seo Young.
What does a black or white hole do? Molivann.
How does the solar system affect our lives? How does the the earth rotate the sun?Amanda
How does the solar system form?Dara
How does the Kuiper belt and the Asteroid belt affect planet Earth? Seo Young
Are there stars during the day? Morakod
What does the star affects our everyday live? -Lyka
Are there only 8 planets. Daniel
Is there anything outside of our universe? Daniel
How many stars are there in our galaxy?-Kelly N
Why does it take so long ton get to the planet that looks close to the planet that we are on?-Kelly N
why do we need an atmosphere?-Bridie
How was the earth formed? -Lyka
If the asteroid hits the earth before why didn't it hit planet earth again?Dara
If an asteroid hit Earth before why don't it hit Earth now? Panhaboth
What does a comet do? Molivann
What is an asteroid?-Kelly N
Why is Pluto called a DWARF planet? Molivann
Has anybody ever been to Venus ?-Kelly P
If there is the robot in Mars, why can't there be a robot in Jupiter or Saturn? Seo Young
Is there water on the moon ? Morakod
Whats it Jupiter red spot look like inside the planet? Dara