Thursday, February 27, 2014

Children Have the Right to Good Healthcare

Children Have The Right to Good Healthcare
Today we learnt about the Health Equity Fund in Cambodia. Tapley and Annika came to talk to us. We learnt that poor people in Cambodian villages can get free health care.
So they told us children can get free health in Cambodia if they are poor and don't have strong houses but straw houses to live in. If they don't have transportation. They are given a card and the card is used to give them free care at hospitals and health centres. If they have to go to Hospital they can claim the money for the transport.  It can be used for 3 years and then you can get another one if you are still poor. This means that the children who are really poor can now go to school because their families have the money to send them, because they are not paying for health care. I did not know that families could get cards. I think that this is a great idea to help the families who are really poor get care and support. This means that the poor children in Cambodia can have the right to health care.

Our questions are :
How long does it take to pick people who can have the cards?

If there are so many poor people in a village how do they all get cards?

Who pays the doctor and who buys all the medical equipment?

Do they take the card back if the families get more money?

What is the plan for making this available in the towns and cities not just in the countryside?

How many people in Cambodia need the cards?

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